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Of Mutts and Men by Spencer Quinn

Since the Chet and Bernie mysteries are told in Chet’s point of view, my mom’s letting me, Miss Lizzie, take over the keyboard for this review. Their newest case is featured in Of Mutts and Men, written, of course, by New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Spencer Quinn. It’s the 10th novel in the series featuring private investigator Bernie Little and Chet–affectionately known by many non-perps as Chetster. Together, they run the Little Detective Agency.

In the first lines of the novel, Chet says, “Chasing perps is what we do.” That was music to my ears. My brother, Darcy, and I make daily crime watch patrols of our alleys. We’re looking for perps who spray paint on fences or break into neighbors’ cars or houses. We leave the real bad guys to the pros–the K-9 cops and the PIs like Chet.

Bernie, being a great guy, is concerned about water conservation and the condition of the aquifer in California, where he and Chet live. So, when a noted hydrogeologist requests a meeting, Bernie agrees. However, when he and Chet arrive at the water guy's trailer, the man has been murdered. The problem, aside from the water guy being dead, is that he never had a chance to tell Bernie why he wanted to meet with him.

Bernie’s convinced the police have charged an innocent man. So, it’s up to the Little Detective Agency to identify the killer and determine why the water guy was murdered.

Chet is at Bernie’s side every step of the way.

I give it four paws up!

Bernie talks with Chet – asks him questions about perps, his opinion about evidence, trying to work through problems and find clues. This is where the author really gets us pups – we like being included in life’s important things. Like when Chet finds the gum wrapper clue near the site where the water guy was killed.

Chet is devoted to Bernie – although sometimes distracted by a Slim Jim or a dog biscuit – or a dreaded cat, like the one who caused him to flunk out of training on his last trial. But Chet is kind of sensitive about that subject, so it’s best not to say more about that.

Of Mutts and Men provides a terrific showcase for Chet’s skills. Honing-in on a suspect, Chet, determined to check out a situation before his beloved Bernie reaches it, climbs a ladder and right over Bernie’s back. Wow. I was really impressed by that. I’ve never climbed a ladder, but my dad, a retired fireman, has climbed a lot of them.

Did I mention that Chet is a big, strong fella? He’s proud to be a hundred-plus pounder and puts every ounce of that muscle to work, like when he pulls Bernie out of a deep hole. I realize ladies don’t usually discuss their weight, but in case Chet’s reading this, I check in a svelte 68 pounds.

Like all members of the nation within, we’re always ready to cruise. Chet loves to ride shotgun in his dad’s Porsche (and has been known to accidently, of course, put the paw to the pedal), and me in my dad’s F450–I am a Texas girl, after all.

Of Mutts and Men is action-packed. There’s a car race, a helicopter up to no good, some knife action, bad guys with guns (but that’s OK, because Bernie has his trusty .38), and kidnapping. Chet is at Bernie’s side every step of the way. I give it four paws up!

So, Chet the Jet meet Lightening Lizzie. I understand you’re fast, but everyone knows I’m the fastest pup in East Dallas. Maybe we could have a few speed trials then go for a drink of water sometime. But no inappropriate sniffing.

Well, as Chet says, “Smells don’t lie.” Read more about his and Bernie’s adventures at; on Facebook at; on Twitter at @chetthedog


Riptide      Nothing below the surface is what it seems.

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